Sports & Games

Field 725 has 5 acres of sports field next door which is home to Frome Town Robins and available for use for a kickabout. There are also woodland areas which are perfect for bushcraft, archery and other activities.

  • Volleyball: We have a professional volleyball net set up for your use, either for volleyball or badminton (or another game of your choosing!)
  • Boule: In honor of our French inspirations, we’re constructing a new Boule Court for 2018. This will be available for free use by the guests at any time. Why not hook up with your neighbours and challenge them to a fun game of boule? Bring your own boules or pick up a set from our office. AVAILABLE FROM JULY 2018
  • Cricket Sets: We have a couple of cricket sets available for a fun game in the field. Soft balls only, of course!
  • Table Tennis: We have a table tennis table all set up and ready to enjoy. Great fun for kids and adults!
  • Frisbee, Swingball & Other Activities: We have additional sets of garden games and other fun extras available to borrow from the campsite office. Just ask at reception!
  • Woodlands: For more free-floating fun, send your kids into the woods to explore the hidden trails and find the hidden items.
  • Paddling Pools: Paddling pools are welcome! We can provide a hose to help you fill them.