Local Walks And Trails

Critchill Manor is situated at the base of the Mendip Hills in an area that was once the great Selwood Forest. From Critchill itself you can take a footpath across the fields into the historic village of Nunney, where you can visit Nunney Castle, have lunch at the George Inn and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

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Other walks we can recommend are:

  • Great Elm to Mells: A woodland walk following the beautiful Mells Stream and through the remains of the historic ironworks. This route is suitable for cycling in most parts.  Mells is a beautiful village to explore. While visiting Mells don’t miss The Talbot Inn a historic serving food all day and the Walled Garden for tea and cake. Approx 2 hrs return. More Here…
  • Frome Town Walk: Frome is a great place to explore on foot, with some amazing historic architecture, green spaces and much more to discover. There’s plenty of resources out there but some examples of walks are here and here. Colliers Way is also a national cycle route.
  • Cley Hill: A magnificent and distinctive feature, close to Frome and Longleat, home to an Iron Age Hillfort – More Here…
  • Shearwater: A woodland, lane and lakeside walk around shearwater, a haven for fishing and sailing. http://www.walkinginwiltshire.org.uk/warminster.php
  • Stourhead – A circular walk up through beautiful woodland to King Alfreds Tower for spectacular views across the surrounding area. http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/stourhead/trails/stourhead-king-alfreds-tower-walk 
  • Stourhead – A stunning walk around the lake and gardens of perhaps the most beautiful and magical of all of the great landscape gardens. https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/stourhead/features/the-world-famous-garden
  • Mells – A delightful walk around the village of Mells devised by Nigel Vile with his own very particular commentary http://www.colliersway.co.uk/pdfs/29.pdf

Walks in the wider area: